This makes me so, so, so angry! I can't even properly express just how awful I think those plans are. Education is so important and so necessary that to make it so only a few can really access it is completely disgusting
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No decision on whether to stone or hang Iranian woman.Normally, people coming together over the fate of one person pisses me off because it so rarely leads to action which will change the problems inherent in the system, instead so many others suffer the same fate as the celebrity victim but completely unnoticed
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So, I feel much better today (I knew I would, but somehow that didn't help yesterday!), and I've been fairly productive. Been into town, got shopping, picked up ill brother, helped Mum with her electronic signature kerfuffle
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So this morning, after being inspired by a post on fatshionista, I decided that it was time to try the bike again, taking onboard the advice I'd read on various blogs and the post
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Armed Police Seal Off Rothbury, Northumberland.This story is just so.... weird. Obviously, the whole situation with Raoul Moat is strange, what with it mostly taking place in Newcastle, which is like, 12 or so miles away, but the thought of a murderer hiding out in Rothbury is completely... odd
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